1. Stand in front of the mirror and recite out loud all of your strong points ranging from courses you have taken to extra-curricular activities you participated in.
2. Inform yourself as much as possible about the organization or college you are going to be interviewed by. Showing the interviewer you know about the college or organization proves you are prepared and do your homework.
3. Before going to the interview, bring any updated information that will give strength to your presentation.
4.Think about your weaknesses and be prepared if the interviewer asks questions regarding them. For example, if you know that your records show that you failed math, then think about what you would say if asked "Why are your grades in math so low?" You might respond "At first, I found math difficult but then realized I was approaching the subject in the wrong way by just memorizing the formulas. I repeated the class and with the help of my instructor passed the course.
5. Research the company and be prepared to ask questions. Asking questions not only shows an interest in the job but also allows you to get to know the company as well.
6. Arrange a mock interview beforehand. Ask a friend or teacher to be the interviewer.
7. Always greet the interviewer with a friendly handshake and always thank the interviewer at the closing.